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About the company

Topanel is one of the largest Romanian companies manufacturing thermo-insulating panels, with multiple outlets, both local and abroad. We provide complete solutions for thermal insulation, but also metallic structures for halls, as well as all the necessary accessories or related products. Our products are manufactured to the highest quality standards, with care for the environment and respect for our customers. Since innovation is our basic principle, we have developed the most efficient thermal insulation system in Romania, the THERMOTOP.

Providing high quality services and developing long-term relationships have been our goals from the beginning. Therefore, we were able to conclude important partnerships with large distribution networks, but also with national and international end customers.


Wide range of recyclable and environmentally friendly products

A wide range of products for any technical use

A solid distribution network that ensures efficiency, in terms of delivery

Enthusiastic and qualified personnel, able to offer specialized advice

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Gamă largă de produse prietenoase cu mediul înconjurător și reciclabile
O mare varietate de produse, pentru orice destinație tehnică
Rețea de distribuție solidă, care asigură eficiența în termenele de livrare
Oameni entuziaști și calificați, capabili să ofere consultanță specializată

Topanel production points and distributors

The central location of our production base in the country helps us deliver quickly, anywhere in Romania, at an optimal price. In addition, our colleagues can provide guidance in the process of selecting and purchasing Topanel products, in all major cities of the country (Bucharest, Baia Mare, Brașov, Cluj, Constanța, Craiova, Focșani, Iași, Pitești, Râmnicu-Vâlcea, Târgu Neamț, Timișoara).

Our distribution network has also expanded abroad when Topanel increased its sales team with representatives for Ukraine, the Republic of Moldova, Bulgaria, Hungary, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Macedonia. Over 45% of our production is exported, in addition to the mentioned countries, to Austria, Germany, Belgium, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Our international portfolio includes renowned companies such as: Saint Gobain, British Foam Group, Plastipack, Romstal, Vita Foam, Star Foods, Cris-Tim, Den Braven, Nordic Logistic, Pirelli, Ford, Renault, Arctic or the Măgurele Laser Centre.